Psychic For Fun has a couple meanings.
The first, when it came to me one January morning, was a reference to an anime I had really enjoyed, One Punch Man. The main character, after another disappointing interview at a corporate job he didn’t really want, ran into a kid that was in big trouble. Feeling a pull for a sense of justice, he helped the kid. Being a normal guy stepping up made him feel alive more than he had in a while! So from that moment on, he decided he would be a Hero. A Hero for fun! There’s so much more to the story, but I’ll let you go watch the series if you’re interested
I’m here as a psychic and intuitive for fun! I want to help others and give them hope and perspective to rise to any challenge they see in their life and grow from it!
Next, as I was sitting with the name, I realized it could also be about me being on a mission! I’m on a mission for fun. You see, when we bring joy and fun back into all those things in our life that were always meant to be enjoyed, they get to be enjoyable again, but we got way too serious about them.
I’m here as a psychic and intuitive on a mission for fun!
Although, this site and my gift really aren’t about me. They are more about helping you navigate through some of the roads of life that can, at times, be kinda rough. There’s really something behind the saying that no one is an island and that we are all here to help each other.
I want to help you!
I’ve been seeing psychics and intuitives for years, finding and resonating with one after another. Growing through my path. I’ve always found their gifts to be helpful as well as amazing and fascinating. I couldn’t get over how we’d both be confused by something they said in the session, but days or weeks later, it would come to make sense to me and be of huge guidance and help!
As I’ve grown and learned more about myself, I found out why some things made so much more sense to me than people. Working in computers and before that as an auto mechanic, I would have what I called a troubleshooter’s mindset (what I called my intuition before I claimed it). I would just know what was going on without really knowing how or going through all the typical troubleshooting steps. People I would work with would always ask me to teach them how I figured it out, and I could never quite put it to words.
Now that I’ve seen what some of my gifts are, being an empath and intuitive, I get why before people didn’t make as much sense.
First, I didn’t always know where I ended and they began. Feelings would wash over me from nowhere or I couldn’t stand someone that seemed so nice and couldn’t figure out why.
Second, things would present to the five senses in the same way my intuition would pick up on them so there was no confusion. With people, there’s a disconnect usually. We are all so worried about being seen for who we really are. Scary stuff for most of us! I would get a huge disconnect from what I would intuit and what people would give off to the five senses. This confused the crap out of me for years, so many YEARS.